Roofing Contractors Are the Best Choice for Roof Inspection

Why You Need a Contractor to Inspect Your Roof

The winter is almost over, and you suspect that your roof may have been damaged during this very harsh winter. You know you want it inspected, but should you call a contractor? The answer to that is yes, and here’s why.

How a Contractor Can Help You

We recommend that your roof be inspected at least twice a year to look for worn out areas and/or damage. Generally, this should be done in the spring and in the fall. Yet, if you suspect that your roof is damaged, you might not know the extent of it. It can be dangerous for homeowners to climb up on their roofs to look for damaged areas.

We as professionals have the experience and can help you assess the full extent of any damage, including looking for loose shingles or roofing nails, or even sagging, which may indicate structural problems.

Once the damage is assessed, we will explain what it takes to repair or replace the roof. If a claim needs to be filed because the damage was due to a past storm we’ll help you with that as well. We will also help you pick the right kind of roof your home needs, including providing information on the following:

  • Types of shingle/material – Choosing the Right Roofing Material Could Save You Money and Help the Environment
  • Color
  • Style
  • Performance
  • Warranties
  • Roof Size


New roofs or repairs can be a big investments, and you don’t want to do them wrong. We will assist you with every step of the process. Don’t try to do the repairs yourself, this may cause your roof claim to be denied or cause more damage and potentially create new issues. You can make emergency repairs in order to stop more damage that can be done by not doing anything at all, but the best thing to do is call us to put on an emergency repair.

Why Choose CJ Restoration

We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to contractors in Colorado. CJ Restoration is an experienced General Contractor, specializing in roof, gutters and siding repairs.

CJ Restoration understands that damage needs to be taken care ASAP to prevent further issues. We work hard to ensure that all the needed work gets done in a timely manner. We also offer free estimates. Contact us today at (303) 690-9253 to learn more about our services.

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